報告・花冠の節 Report: Garland Moon
Audience Chamber
レア: よく無事に戻りました。これも、主のご加護の賜物……。
Rhea: I am glad to see that you have returned safely. The goddess is gracious with her divine protection.
But it was not only her divine protection that shielded you, was it? You are just as skilled as I had hoped.
Choice 1: 生徒たちの力だ My students deserve the praise.
レア: そうでしょうか。
Rhea: I am not so sure.
Choice 2: まだまだ未熟だ I still have much to learn.
レア: そう謙遜する必要はありませんよ。
Rhea: There is no need for modesty.
レア: 生徒の中には、民兵と戦うのを躊躇した者もいたそうですね。
Rhea: I heard some of the students were… hesitant about fighting militia.
However, we must punish any sinner who may inflict harm upon believers, even if those sinners are civilians.
I pray the students learned a valuable lesson about the fate that awaits all who are foolish enough to point their blades towards the heavens.
セテス: さて、問題はカトリーヌから報告のあったロナート卿の密書の件だ。
Seteth: Our real concern is what Catherine reported. The secret message that was in Lord Lonato’s possession.
In contained a deplorable plot to target the archbishop on the day of the Goddess’s Rite of Rebirth.
The plan seems unrealistic at best… But a threat is a threat. We must maintain constant vigilance.
To the end, I would like for you and your students to help with security on the day of the ritual.
Choice 1: 全力で取り組む You can count on us.
レア: 心強い言葉、感謝します。
Rhea: That is most reassuring. You have my gratitude.
Choice 2: 最善を尽くす We won’t let her down.
1 と同じ
Choice 3: 生徒に危険が及ぶのでは Won’t that endanger the students?
レア: 生徒の手に余る敵が現れても、あなたが共にあれば大丈夫でしょう。
Rhea: Even if they encounter an enemy whom they cannot best, they should be fine so long as they have you on their side.
セテス: 再誕の儀は、セイロス教の主たる女神の降臨を願う、非常に重要な儀式だ。
Seteth: The Rite of Rebirth is of paramount importance. It is when the Church of Seiros and its believers unite to pray for the return of the goddess.
The archbishop and I will be confined to the Goddess Tower once the ritual begins.
Of course, the knights will be on high alert as well, but there aren’t enough of them to keep watch on every corner of the monastery.
It is far from ideal to be forced to mobilize students, but the gravity of this situation requires that we all bend to avoid breaking.
レア: 私の身は案ずるに及びませんが、信仰を冒涜する輩を看過することはできません。
Rhea: While there is no need to fear for my safety, we cannot turn a blind eye to those who would blaspheme so heinously.
セテス: 何も起こらなければ、それでいい。ただし緊張感を持って臨んでくれ。以上だ。
Seteth: With any luck, this will all be for naught. Still, be on your guard.